A lot of new altcoins have been developed lately. Some like Dogecoin – DOGE – rises to the moon and then falls as quick as a meteor, breaking into pieces and turns to dust as it enters in the atmosphere.
On the other side, there are coins like Franko – FRK – which keeps itself not only stable but also expands its network of users, services and merchants – some nice traits for a long term coin.
Be this a good or bad thing, the number of altcoins grows every day. Some of them will be used, some not. There are altcoins bad coded, bad marketed, simple clones of others, etc, but the biggest problem is when a coin is concentrated by corporations or crypto-whales.
If problem is scarcity of money – or too much in the hands of a few – then how about having not to worry about money at all?
You can’t do that with Fiat currency or even with BTC and other Altcoins. But, with magic, well, that’s a different story!
Magic Internet Money – MIM – is a currency like no other. As a matter of fact, MIM is not a coin at all! Magic Internet Money is pure quintessence, condensed by the will of powerful wizards from this and other worlds and dimensions.
After they gathered all the quintessence needed, this quantic power – which purpose is to free humanity from the greedy hands – was trusted to the Franko Collective – who coded it in form of a cryptocurrency imbued with the Kimoto Gravity Well and began to release MIM to all mankind.
Do not be fooled by the rabbit aspect! More powerful than a Jackalope and Easter Bunny together, this cute furry processes transactions almost at speed of thought, making it virtually instantaneous. This makes Magic Internet Money the best option to be the cryptocurrency of everyday spending.
The most interesting feature of MIM, however, is its intentional inflation of TEN BILLION MIM per year.
The reason of this is simple: This awesomely huge amount of condensed quintessence was calculated taking in consideration the growth of world population along the years, so MIM can coexist and be used by many generations after ours.
In practical ways, the distribution is: 14,824,000,000 MIM on this first year and from then on, 10,512,000,000 yearly.
As a way of interaction on MIM community, a meme contest was started in Reddit offering 10,000 MIM to the most voted meme. Some of them are already being spread across the internet. Here are some samples:
And it does not stop here! For non miners or curious about MIM, be sure to visit #MIMcoin on irc.freenode.net and be ready to receive some MIM from SirTipsalot – a magic bot that gives more MIM than any other altcoin faucet could provide.
There are other services already available, like games. Links are below, on “Magic Internet Money – Details” section.
What are you waiting for? Even if you don’t have a magic wand or an ancient amulet, be ready to cast some magic!
Encryption | Scrypt Algorithm / Condensed Quintessence |
Block Time | 30 seconds |
Total coins | 14,824,000,000 MIM on first year and then 10,512,000,000 yearly |
PoW | Block 1 gives a 0.1% Premine. Block < 2880 rewards 1000 MIM Block < 86600 reward is 40000 MIM Block < 172800 reward is 20000 MIM Block < 259200 reward is the standard 10000 MIM |
Coin growth | 10 Billion MIM inflation every year, for lifetime |
Strong point | 10 Billion MIM inflation every year, for lifetimeInstantaneous transactions |
Wallet | http://www.magicinternetmoney.org/#downloads |
Official website | http://www.magicinternetmoney.org |
https://www.facebook.com/magicinternetmoney | |
https://twitter.com/mimcoin | |
http://www.reddit.com/r/magicinternetmoney | |
Pools | http://mim.dencoinpools.com / http://mim.coins4everyone.comhttp://mim.p2p.0x0a.nl:19791 / http://mim.verters.com |
Forum | http://www.mimtalk.org |
Games | http://mimwheel.cryptogames.pw / http://mimdice.cryptogames.pw |
Block Crawler | http://cryptotrends.info/mim-explorer |
Exchanges | Cryptorush.in, C-CEX.com |
For donations and bounties
MIM – LRNRQremteNx3bNTF4xNRV9qnBXrFpyNT7
FRK – FMF43KgFVBrdQCDBdHh9dn67Ys6fqbrygA
The post Magic Internet Money – MIM: Magic arrives to the world of Cryptocurrency appeared first on CryptoNerd.